Farm and Family History
Looking for help on how to start collecting your personal farm or family history? Here are a list of topics that will help.
Homestead and Location
• Who originally homesteaded the land your farm is on?
• How many acres were in the original homestead?
• Have there been any additions to or sales from the original homestead?
• What is the present acreage of the farm?
• What is the legal description of your farm?
• Why was this tract of land chosen?
• What is the chain of ownership of your farm since it was homesteaded?
• What was the cost per acre?
• What were the terms of purchase?
• From whom was the land purchased?
• When was the land sold?
• Does your farm have a name? Why was this name chosen?
• Regarding the first house built on the farm:
• Where was it built?
• Of what was it built?
• How large was it?
• Regarding the first barn on the farm:
• Where was it built?
• How large was it?
• What type was it?
• What additional buildings have been added to the farm and when?
• Have there been any fires that destroyed buildings?
• How were they caused?
• When did they occur?
Farming Operations
• What were the first kinds of livestock on the farm?
• What kinds of livestock are currently raised on the farm?
• What type of farming operation is currently conducted on the farm?
• Do you grow any special crops?
• Are there any seasons you particularly remember, perhaps for outstanding yields or disasters?
• Are there any orchards on the farm? If so, when where they planted?
• What has been the history of shelter belts, tree planting or other special plantings?
Utilities and Everyday Life
• What is the history of water systems on your farm (wells, dugouts, etc)?
• Who built the current system?
• Where is it located?
• When were these systems installed, by whom, and what was the cost?
• Electricity
• Natural Gas
• Telephone
• Bathroom
• What were the comparative taxes of the 1800’s, 1900, 1925, 1950, 1975, 2000 and present year?
• What types of mail delivery have serviced your area over the years?
• What was the nature of schools or education your area?
• What was the nature of shopping in your area?
• What groups or organizations were active that no longer exist today?
• What were your methods of transportation that are no longer used today?
• Did you have any unusual methods of communication?
• Do you have a history of any antiques or old implements?
• Do you have any pictures?
• Who were your ancestors that first settled in Canada?
• Where were they from?
• Why did they come to Canada?
• List their family, your parentage and family (names & dates of birth, marriage and death)
• Do you know your ancestors’ professions, memberships in clubs, churches, etc., where they lived, where they worked?
• Have you any interesting incidents of everyday life to relate?
• Does your family have a motto, crest or tartan?
• Do you have any old family customs or superstitions?
• What has been your family’s involvement with our Armed Forces over the decades?
• Photographs, newspaper clippings, etc of the following are potentially valuable (dates whether exact or approximate are important):
• Family
• Community Members
• Buildings
• Public buildings
• Public gatherings
• Bridges, roads and railroads
• Other potential places to find valuable information about your family history might include:
• Atlases
• Books
• Pamphlets
• Sales Bills
• Catalogues
• Old Receipts and farm records